Welcome to the Pocket Hotel User Guide!

Pocket Hotel (PH) is a specialized contact management desktop app targeted towards hotel front office staff such as front desk staff who frequently interact with guests.

PH provides a centralized location to store, organize and manage information linked to your guests and vendors employed by the hotel. PH streamlines your workflow and is optimized for use via the Command Line Interface (CLI), whilst still embodying the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This means that faster typists would have the benefit of carrying out actions faster using our Command Line Interface(CLI) than through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) using actions such as mouse clicks. This user guide serves as an entry point for users to get oriented with how PH operates and how you may utilize it fully to integrate it within your hotel management system.

Do not worry if this is your first time using a CLI application, jump to our Using this Guide section to learn more about how you are able to use this guide as we intended and become a master in using our application!

Table of Contents

Using this Guide

Before you start, we would like to help orientate you to some symbols and text markups that you will frequently encounter throughout this guide.

:information_source: This is a note:

  • Notes will be useful in providing additional information of a certain feature or section.
:exclamation: Caution: This is a caution. Do look out for these! They warn you about any possible risks or dangers of a given action.
Markup Meaning
Click me! These are hyperlinks, that are meant to provide you an easier time navigating this guide.
PH Denotes glossary terms. These are words that may be confusing or too technical to you. You may refer to the glossary if lost.
help Denotes the commands and parameters used in the application.

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Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer (Instructions on how to check Java version).
    1. If you do not have Java 11 installed on your computer. (Instructions on how to install Java 11).
  2. Download the latest PH.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for PH.

  4. To start the application, you may either:
    1. Double-click the PH.jar file to boot up the app.
    2. Open up your shell terminal in the directory where PH resides, and run the command java -jar PH.jar. (You may follow these guides for Mac or Windows) The GUI similar to the picture below, should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.
:exclamation: Caution: For Mac users, method 2 is the recommended way to open your files to ensure that you are able to see the save data for PH

UI Image

Figure 1. Pocket Hotel GUI

  1. Type any command in the command box (Highlighted in red above) and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window. Click the tab for the list that you would like to view e.g click vendor to view vendors in stored in PH
    Some example commands you can try:

    • checkinn/John Doe pn/X12345678F r/123 e/johnd@example.com t/Senior Citizen : Checks in a guest named John Doe and adds him to PH.

    • deleteguestpn/X12345678F : Deletes the guest with passport number X12345678F.

    • addvendorvid/123 n/Wang's Satay e/satayMan@email.com p/84711231 a/Geylang Street 31 sn/Satay c/5 oh/1 0800-2000 : Adds a vendor named Wang's Satay to the address book.

    • deletevendorvid/123 : Deletes the vendor with vendor id 123.

    • exit : Exits the app.

You may refer to the features below for details of each command and to get familiarized with the syntax of the commands.

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PH’s features revolve around managing your guests and vendors. For each command, a short description of its use is given which is then followed by the format and a short example to help ensure that you have executed the command correctly.

A quick overview of all the commands can be found in the command summary.

Certain commands require parameters, which may have constraints. A quick overview of all the underlying constraints can be found in the parameter constraints.

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be entered by the user.
    e.g. in checkin n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as checkin n/John Doe.

  • Parameter prefixes such as n/ and pn/ are special keywords that indicate a start of a parameter.

  • Fields with square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/Bing Cheng t/VIP or as n/Bing Cheng.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME pn/PASSPORT_NUMBER, pn/PASSPORT_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.
  • All fields cannot be empty
  • The tag field is optional and can be omitted entirely (You can learn more about tags here.)

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Contacts in Pocket Hotel

There are 2 types of contacts in PH, guests and vendors. Guests represent guests of the hotel, and vendors represent external companies employed by a hotel for services. Guest are identified by their PASSPORT_NUMBER and Vendors are identified by their VENDOR_ID. These fields are their unique identifier, and no two contacts can have the same unique identifier.

It is possible for guests and vendors to have the same unique identifier for example, VENDOR_ID of a vendor is 111 and PASSPORT_NUMBER for a guest is 111, as they represent 2 different entities.

Guests and vendors have different parameters, which can be found in the parameter constraints table or in the command instructions.

You have 2 options to navigate between the guest and vendor list.


  1. Click the button on the GUI to view the different lists e.g To view the guest list click on the guest button. UIHighightingGuestAndVendorListButton
  2. Use the listguest or listvendor command to view the respective lists.

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Regardless of the list currently being viewed, you are able to execute any command. e.g While viewing the guest list, you are able to add a vendor. Toggle back to the vendor list to see the reflected changes.

Tagging a guest or vendor

We have implemented a tagging system that allows you to attach labels to guests or vendors. You are able to see the tags attached to every guest or vendor, and the filterguest and filtervendor commands allows you to filter your lists by fields or even tags! These tags can be used in any way you like. One idea is to note down important details about guest such as adding a “vegetarian” tag to guests who are vegetarian or have other dietary restrictions.

Every vendor and guest can have more than one tag attached to them, so you are free to integrate your existing system of organising guests or vendors right into PH!

Archiving guest information

Upon checking out a guest, their contact is removed from the list, BUT their information is not deleted. It is instead moved to an archive where the information is stored. This allows you to use the returncheckin command to check in the guest on their subsequent visits and saves you the time of entering all their information again.

:information_source: Notes:

  • When a guest is in the archive, the clearguest and deleteguest commands are able to delete this guest.
  • You are not able to edit a guest in the archive.

Invoice Generation

Upon checking out a guest, a PDF invoice will be generated in a folder called Invoices in the directory that the PH.jar is found in. The invoice will be named in the format GUEST_PASSPORT_NUMBER YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS.pdf, where the YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS denotes the current year, month, data, hours, minutes and seconds, at the time the invoice was generated.

The invoice contains information such as the guest details and any services that have been used during the guests stay (See chargeguest)

Sample Invoice

:information_source: Notes:

  • This time is based off the internal clock of your computer.

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Manage Guests

Checking in a new guest: checkin

Checks in a new guest by adding their contact details into PH.

checkin pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> n/<NAME> e/<EMAIL> r/<ROOM_NUMBER> [t/<TAG>]


  • NAME: No constraints on name used. Cannot be left blank.
  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and is case insensitive (all passport numbers are capitalised).
  • EMAIL: A valid email address should be used.
  • ROOM_NUMBER: Only numbers greater than 0 are valid.
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in the command.

Example: addGuest.png

  • checkin n/Bing Cheng pn/T0134568D e/bc@gmail.com r/69 , adds a new guest, Bing Cheng to PH and shows the new guest list.

:information_source: Notes:

  • Guests with the same names and emails as other guests that are already checked in are allowed.

  • Guests with either the same passport numbers or same room numbers as guests that are already checked in are not allowed.

  • Guests with the same passport number as a past guest that is written in the archive are not allowed. If the guest is a returning guest, you should use returncheckin instead.

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Checking in a returning guest: returncheckin

Checks in a returning guest into PH, by retrieving their details from the archive and providing them a new room number to check into.

returncheckin pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> r/<ROOM_NUMBER>


  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, is case insensitive.
  • ROOM_NUMBER: Only numbers greater than 0 are valid.

:information_source: What is the archive?

  • Contains past records of guests who have stayed at the hotel
  • Guest is added to the archive by performing the checkout command

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Checking out a guest: checkout

Checks out a guest by archiving their details and generating an invoice for all the services hired by the guest during their stay.

checkout pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER>


  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and is case insensitive (all passport numbers are capitalised).


  • checkout pn/X12345678A checks out the guest Bing Cheng, whose passport number is X12345678A.

:information_source: What is the archive?

  • Contains past records of guests who have stayed at the hotel
  • Guest is added to the archive by performing the checkout command

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Editing fields of a guest: editguest

Edits a guest’s contact details. Only edits the fields that have been passed in as parameters (See example for further elaboration).




  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and is case insensitive (all passport numbers are capitalised).
  • NAME: No constraints on name used. Cannot be left blank.
  • EMAIL: A valid email address should be used.
  • ROOM_NUMBER: Only numbers greater than 0 are valid.
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in each command.


  • editguest pn/X12345678A r/123 locates the guest Bing Cheng, by his passport number X12345678A and overwrites the room number field with the new room number provided. All his other fields (NAME, EMAIL, PASSPORT_NUMBER, TAG) will remain unchanged.

  • editguest pn/X87654321A t/VIP t/LoyalGuest e/jj@mailer.com locates the guest Jeremy, by his passport number X87654321A and overwrites his existing tags with the new tags provided, and overwrites the old email field with the new email provided. All his other fields (NAME, PASSPORT_NUMBER, ROOM_NUMBER) will remain unchanged.

:information_source: Notes:

  • Existing field values will be overwritten by the newly provided field values.

  • The passport number must be provided, as it is used to identify which guest to be edited.

  • You need to specify at least one field to edit.

  • You can edit more than one field at a time (See example above).

  • You cannot edit a guest’s passport number.

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Deleting a guest’s details: deleteguest

Deletes an existing guest’s contact details from PH. Guests deleted can be checked in or in the archive.

deleteguest pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER>

Example: deleteguest pn/XNOO19390 deletes the guest who has passport number XNOO19390 from PH.

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Clear all checked in guests: clearguest

Deletes all guests that are currently checked in.


:exclamation: Caution: The clearguest command would remove all guests and is irreversible. Only use this command if you are absolutely you need to wipe all guest data.

:information_source: Note:

  • Archived guests are not deleted.

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Show all guests: listguest

Shows all the guests checked into the hotel. Useful command to use after filterguest, it essentially removes any filter that was previously applied to the guest list.


:information_source: Notes:

  • Guests are not arranged in any particular order
  • Running the command when you are on the vendor list, will switch to the guest list for you.

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Charge a guest for a service: chargeguest

Charges a guest for a service offered by a vendor, and adds it to the invoice that will be generated upon checkout.

chargeguest pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> vid/<VENDOR_ID>


  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and is case insensitive (all passport numbers are capitalised).
  • VENDOR_ID: Should only contain alphanumeric characters.
    • The VENDOR_ID must be from one of the existing vendors in the PH


  • chargeguest pn/T0134568D vid/001 , Charge the guest with passport number T0134568D with the service provided by the vendor with the vendor id of 001.

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Filter guest list: filterguest

Displays only the guests that meet your requirements, as specified by what you wrote in your filter. This helps you easily find and search through smaller and more manageable lists, instead of scrolling through the entire guest list.



  • PASSPORT_NUMBER: Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and is case insensitive (all passport numbers are capitalised).
    • The passport number specified by you must match the guest passport’s number exactly to be filtered.
    • E.g. a guest with a PASSPORT_NUMBER of SE1239182 will not be shown in your GUI if you run the command filterguest pn/SE123
  • NAME: No constraints on name used.
    • The name specified by you simply needs to match the guest’s name partially to be filtered.
    • E.g. a guest with a NAME of Jeremy Tan will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filterguest n/jeremy or filterguest n/remy
      • However, running the command filterguest n/tan jeremy will not filter the guest.
  • EMAIL: A valid email address should be used.
    • The email specified by you simply needs to match the guest’s email partially to be filtered.
    • E.g. a guest with a EMAIL of jeremytan@example.com will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filterguest e/tan
  • ROOM_NUMBER: Only numbers greater than 0 are valid.
    • The room number specified by you needs to match with the guest’s room number partially to be filtered, however the order is important, unlike EMAIL and NAME.
    • E.g. a guest with a ROOM_NUMBER of 201 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filterguest r/2
      • However, the guest will not be filtered if you run the command filterguest r/1. The reason for this is that hotels generally have room numbers with its starting number as the floor level. Such as all hotel rooms on level 1, will have their room number starting with 1.
      • We felt that this would provide you a more useful filter, as running filterguest r/2 would filter all the guest with their room number starting with a 2, and in essence you would be filtering all the guests that are residing in the second floor of your hotel. This would mean guests with ROOM_NUMBER that do not start with 2 but may have 2 in their ROOM_NUMBER are not filtered. An example being 102.
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in the command.
    • The tags specified by you need to match the guest’s tags exactly to be filtered.
    • E.g. guests with a TAG of VIP and guests with a TAG of Deluxe will be filtered if you run the command filterguest t/vip t/deluxe
      • Note that guest with either one of the tags gets filtered, they do not have to both tags to get filtered. The same logic applies when more than two tags are supplied by you.

FilterAlexWithRoomNumber2Example filterguest n/alex r/2, guests with a NAME that contains Alex and have a ROOM_NUMBER starting with 2, will be filtered from PH.

:information_source: Note:

  • Running the filterguest command always applies the filter to all your guests in PH and not to an already filtered guest list.
  • All fields are case-insensitive.

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Manage Vendors

Adding a vendor: addvendor

Adds a vendors details to PH



  • VENDOR_ID: Should only contain alphanumeric characters
  • NAME: No constraints on name used. Cannot be left blank.
  • EMAIL: A valid email address should be used.
  • ADDRESS: Blank inputs are not allowed.
  • PHONE_NUMBER: At least 3 digits long, should only contain numbers.
  • SERVICE_NAME: Alphabetical characters and spaces are allowed.
  • SERVICE_COST: Number greater than 0, will be rounded to 2 decimal places.
  • OPERATING_HOURS: Duplicates are allowed.
    Monday is represented using a 1 and Sunday is represented by 7.
    1234567 0800-2359: Monday to Sunday 8am to 11:59pm
    1321 0700-0900: Monday to Wednesday 7am to 9am
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in each command.

addvendor vid/123 n/Wang's Satay e/satayMan@email.com p/84711231 a/Geylang Street 31 sn/Satay c/5 oh/1 0800-2000

:information_source: Notes:

  • Duplicate vendors are allowed as long as vendor ID is different
    E.g. Vendors with the same name, address, or service

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Editing fields of a vendor: editvendor

Edit a vendors’ contact details. Only edits the fields that have been passed in as parameters. (See example for further elaboration).



  • VENDOR_ID: Should only contain alphanumeric characters.
  • NAME: No constraints on name used. Cannot be left blank.
  • EMAIL: Blanks inputs are not allowed. A valid email address should be used.
  • PHONE_NUMBER: At least 3 digits long, should only contain numbers.
  • ADDRESS: Blank inputs are not allowed.
  • SERVICE_NAME: Alphabetical characters and spaces are allowed.
  • SERVICE_COST: Number greater than 0, will be rounded to 2 decimal places.
  • OPERATING_HOURS: Duplicates are allowed.
    Monday is represented using a 1 and Sunday is represented by 7.
    1234567 0800-2359: Monday to Sunday 8am to 11:59pm
    1321 0800-0900: Monday to Wednesday 7am to 9am
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in each command.

editvendor vid/123 p/99999999 e/j@mailer.com locates the vendor, Wang’s Satay, with VENDOR_ID 123 and overwrites the phone number field with the new phone number provided, and the email field with the new email provided. All other fields of the vendor (VENDOR_ID, NAME, ADDRESS, SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_COST, OPERATING_HOURS, TAG) remain unchanged.

:information_source: Notes:

  • Existing field values will be overwritten by the newly provided field values.

  • The vendor id must be provided, as it is used to identify which vendor to be edited.

  • You need to specify at least one field to edit.

  • You can edit more than one field at a time (See example above).

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Deleting a vendor’s details: deletevendor

Deletes a vendors contact details from PH.

deletevendor vid/<VENDOR_ID>

deletevendor vid/321 deletes the vendor with VENDOR_ID 321 from PH.

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Clear vendor list : clearvendor

Deletes all vendors that are currently in PH.


:exclamation: Caution: The clearvendor command would remove all vendors and is irreversible. Only use this command if you absolutely sure you need to wipe all vendor data.

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Show all vendors: listvendor

Shows all the vendors added by you that offers services to your hotel. Useful command to use after filtervendor, it essentially removes any filter that was previously applied to the vendor list.


:information_source: Notes:

  • Vendors are not arranged in any particular order
  • Running the command when you are on the guest list, will switch to the vendor list for you.

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Filter vendor list: filtervendor

Displays only the vendors that meet your requirements, as specified by what you wrote in your filter. This helps you easily find and search through smaller and more manageable lists, instead of scrolling through the entire vendor list.



  • VENDOR_ID: Should only contain alphanumeric characters
    • The vendor id specified by you must match the vendor’s vendor id exactly to be filtered.
    • E.g. a vendor with a VENDOR_ID of 001 will not be shown in your GUI if you run the command filtervendor vid/1
  • NAME: No constraints on name used. Cannot be left blank.
    • The name specified by you simply needs to match the vendor’s name partially to be filtered.
    • E.g. a vendor with a NAME of Jeremy's Massage Parlour will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor n/jeremy or filtervendor n/remy
      • However, running the command filtervendor n/parlour massage will not filter the vendor.
  • EMAIL: A valid email address should be used.
    • The email specified by you simply needs to match the vendor’s email partially to be filtered.
    • E.g. a vendor with a EMAIL of jmassage@example.com will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor e/massage
  • ADDRESS: Blank inputs are not allowed.
    • The address specified by you simply needs to match the vendor’s address partially to be filtered.
    • E.g. a vendor with a ADDRESS of 123 Clementi Rd will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor a/clementi
  • PHONE_NUMBER: At least 3 digits long, should only contain numbers.
    • The phone number specified by you needs to match with the vendor’s phone number partially to be filtered, however the order is important, unlike EMAIL and NAME.
    • E.g. a vendor with a PHONE_NUMBER of 93810282 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor p/938
      • However, the vendor will not be filtered if you run the command filtervendor p/8102.
      • The phone number that you enter into the command will only filter the vendors with phone numbers that start with what you specified in the filter.
  • SERVICE_NAME: Alphabetical characters and spaces are allowed.
    • The service name specified by you needs to match the vendor’s service name exactly to be filtered.
    • E.g. vendors with a SERVICE_NAME of Massage will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor sn/massage
      • However, the vendor will not be filtered if you run the command filtervendor sn/mass
  • SERVICE_COST: Number greater than 0.
    • You may filter vendors by the exact cost or a range (using “<” or “>”).
    • E.g. vendors with a SERVICE_COST greater than 10 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor c/>10
    • E.g. vendors with a SERVICE_COST of exactly 10 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor c/10
  • OPERATING_HOURS: Specified in this format DAYS STARTTIME-ENDTIME, Timings are in 24 hr format and days are represented using numbers, where 1 represents a Monday, and a 7 represents a Sunday.
    • You may filter vendors that operate on certain days, certain days and a specified time, certain days and a specified time period, and those that are currently operating.
    • E.g. vendors with OPERATING_HOURS on Monday and Wednesday will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor oh/13
    • E.g. vendors with OPERATING_HOURS on Monday and operate on 0800 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor oh/1 0800
    • E.g. vendors with OPERATING_HOURS on Tuesday and operate anywhere between 0800 and 1300 will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor oh/2 0800-1300
    • E.g. vendors with OPERATING_HOURS that are currently operating will be shown in the GUI if you run the command filtervendor oh/now
  • TAG: An optional field, more than one can be included in the command.
    • The tags specified by you need to match the vendor’s tags exactly to be filtered.
    • E.g. vendors with a TAG of Cheap and vendors with a TAG of Good Rating will be filtered if you run the command filtervendor t/cheap t/good rating
      • Note that vendors with either one of the tags gets filtered, they do not have to both tags to get filtered. The same logic applies when more than two tags are supplied by you.

FilterOperatingFoodExample filtervendor sn/Food c/>10 oh/now, vendors with the SERVICE_NAME food and provide the service at a COST greater than 10 and have OPERATING_HOURS where they are currently operating now will be filtered from PH

:information_source: Note:

  • Running the filtervendor command always applies the filter to all your vendors in PH and not to an already filtered vendor list.
  • All fields are case-insensitive.

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Utility Commands

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

Format: help

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Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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Saving your Data

Your data is saved automatically to the hard disk after every command you enter. The file is saved in .json format, which allows you to edit the file manually without even booting up PH.

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Editing your data directly

The Json files storing guest and vendor data are found at: [JAR file location]/data/guest.json & [JAR file location]/data/vendor.json

:exclamation: Caution: Editing the json file directly should only be done by a user experienced with .json format files. As failure to follow the correct formatting would result in a corrupted file and would be replace with an empty file.

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Guest in archive data format

The Json files storing archive guest data are found at: [JAR file location]/data/archive.json

:information_source: Note:

  • The archived guests would have the services field emptied in the Json file.
  • Archived guest are also not shown in the UI. The rationale for this is that a returning guest would provide his/her details to the receptionist upon checking in to the hotel, hence there is no need for the receptionist to refer to details of the archived guests in the UI.
  • When booting up Pocket Hotel, you may notice that the guest list is empty. This could be due to several reasons:
    • You accidentally deleted your guests.json file but your archive.json file is still intact. In such an event, Pocket Hotel will attempt to load sample guest data when the app boots up. However, it will only load sample guests whose passport numbers are not found in archive.json. If there is no sample guest whose passport number is not found in archive.json, no sample guest data will be loaded and hence the guest list will be empty.
    • You have pre-existing guest data but the data file format is incorrect/ there was a problem reading from the data file.

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Command Summary

Guest Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
checkin checkin pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> n/<NAME> e/<EMAIL> r/<ROOM_NUMBER> [t/<TAG>]
Example: checkin pn/T0134568D n/Bing Cheng e/bingcheng@email.com r/101 t/VIP
returncheckin returncheckin pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> r/<ROOM_NUMBER>
Example: returncheckin pn/T0134568D r/101
checkout checkout pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER>
Example: checkout pn/T0134568D
Example: editguest pn/X12345678A p/99999999
deleteguest deleteguest pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER>
Example: deleteguest pn/T0134568D
clearguest clearguest
listguest listguest
filterguest filterguest <FILTER_FIELD_NAME>/<FILTER_FIELD_VALUE>
Example: filterguest n/Bing t/VIP
chargeguest chargeguest pn/<PASSPORT_NUMBER> vid/<VENDOR_ID>
Example: chargeguest pn/T0134568D vid/3

Vendor Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
Example: addvendor vid/123 n/Wang's Satay e/satayMan@email.com p/84711231 a/Geylang Street 31 sn/Satay c/5 oh/1 0800-2000
editvendor editvendor vid/<VENDOR_ID> <FIELD_NAME>/<NEW_FIELD_DETAILS>
Example: editvendor vid/111 sn/Laundry
deletevendor deletevendor vid/<VENDOR_ID>
Example: deletevendor vid/112
clearvendor clearvendor
listvendor listvendor
filtervendor filtervendor vid/<VENDOR_ID> <FILTER_FIELD_NAME>/<FILTER_FIELD_VALUE>
Example: filtervendor sn/Food t/satay

Utility Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
help help
exit exit

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Parameter Constraints Section

Guest Parameter Constraints Summary

Parameter Prefix Constraints, Examples
PASSPORT_NUMBER pn/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Not case sensitive
Should only contain alphanumeric characters.
Example: pn/X12345678A
NAME n/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Example: n/Bing Cheng
EMAIL e/ Blanks inputs are not allowed.
A valid email address should be used.
Example: e/BingCheng@email.com
ROOM_NUMBER r/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Only numbers greater than 0 are valid.
Example: r/500
TAG t/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
An optional field, more than one can be included in each command.
Example: t/Vaccinated t/Vegetarian

Vendor Parameter Constraints Summary

Parameter Prefix Constraints, Examples
VENDOR_ID vid/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Should only contain alphanumeric characters.
Example: vid/2131
NAME n/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
No other constraints.
Example: n/Wang's Satay
EMAIL e/ Blanks inputs are not allowed.
A valid email address should be used.
Example: e/satayMan@email.com
PHONE_NUMBER p/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
At least 3 digits long, should only contain numbers
Example: p/84711231
ADDRESS a/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Example: a/Geylang Street 31
SERVICE_NAME sn/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Alphabetical characters and spaces are allowed.
Example: sn/Satay
SERVICE_COST c/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Number greater than 0, will be rounded to 2 decimal places.
Example: c/5
OPERATING_HOURS oh/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
Duplicates are allowed.
Monday is represented using a 1 and Sunday is represented by 7.
1234567 0800-2359: Monday to Sunday 8am to 11:59pm
1321 0700-0900: Monday to Wednesday 7am to 9am
TAG t/ Blank inputs are not allowed.
An optional field, more than one can be included in each command.
Example: t/Halal t/Free flow

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  • PH: Acronym for Pocket Hotel
  • CLI: Command line interface
  • GUI: Graphical user interface
  • Guest: A guest at the hotel
  • Vendor: An external entity that a hotel uses for services
  • PDF: A file format for electronic document exchange. Short for Portable Document Format.
  • Unique Identifier: An attribute that uniquely identifies a guest or vendor in the address book.
  • Archived Guests: Guests that are not checked into the hotel and are not displayed, but whose details are stored in PH.
  • Unarchived guests: Guests who are currently checked into PH and can be viewed in the list.

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app on your other computer and run it. Overwrite the empty .json file that is created with your old .json file in your old computer.

Q: How do I know if Java 11 is installed correctly on my computer?
A: Open up your terminal and run java --version. The output should be java 11, if installed correctly.

Q: How do I install Java 11 on my computer?
A: Please proceed to the download page here, and download the latest version according to your system’s specifications.

Q: Is an internet connection required to boot up PH?
A: No, all functionality of PH can be used without an internet connection.

Q: Can I contact my guests directly on PH?
A: Unfortunately, this is currently not possible. However, do look out for future updates.

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